Monday, December 30, 2019
Racism The United States Of America - 885 Words
Racism in The United States of America Racism has been part of American History since the beginning of the Countries origin. This issue includes the mistreatment of The Native Americans that were forced out of their lands and placed on reservations to black slaves being brought here from Africa. Throughout the history of this great nation people of the U.S. have moved away from these racist beliefs, yet, it is still a relevant issue in today’s society. Today slavery is no longer an institution, and discrimination is not accepted by society. There still remains an underlying separation between people of different races in this country. Those in positions of power have not made attempts to fix the issue but to use the racial divide to their advantage. These people do not make this country better but they help take part in the downward spiral that this great country is headed in. An analysis of discrimination in the United States presents one challenge facing Americans: unifying the country or continuing to separate i t through racial divide. The tension level between races in the United States is on the verge of exploding. The issue of racism is very relevant in today’s society. Similarly, subjects such as political correctness make the tension level even higher. If someone does not stay within the accepted vocabulary pertaining to the color of peoples skin someone can be considered a racist. Police shootings have now become a major issue that has caused riots in communitiesShow MoreRelatedExposing Racism During The United States Of America3091 Words  | 13 PagesExposing Racism in American The United States of America is a melting pot of diverse ethnicities, races, and cultures. Our country has no official language, religious faith, or skin color. It is simply a country that believes all men were created equal under Lady Liberty’s embrace. 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