Friday, January 24, 2020
Nikola Tesla Essay -- essays research papers
Nikola Tesla Few people recognize his name today, and even among those who do, the words Nikola Tesla are likly to summon up the image of a crackpot rather than an authentic scientist. Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest inventor the world has ever known. He was, without doubt, a genius who is not only credited with many devices we use today, but is also credited with astonishing, sometimes world-transforming, devices that are even simply amazing by todays scientific standards. Tesla was born at precisely midnight between July 9th and 10th, 1856, in a small Hungarien village. He was born to his father, a priest, and his mother, an unschooled but extremely intelligent women. Training for an engineering career, he attendedthe Technical University of Graz, Austria and was shortly employed in a government telegraph engineering office in Budapest, where he made his first invention, a telephone repeater. Tesla sailed to America in 1884, arriving in New York City with four cents in his pocket, and many great ideas in his head. He first found employment with a young Thomas Edison in New Jersey, but the two inventors, were far apart in background and methods. But, because of there differences, Tesla soon left the employment of Edison, and in May 1885, George Westinghouse, head of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, bought the patent rights to many of Tesla's inventions. After a difficult period, during which Tesla invented but lost his rights to many inventions, he established his own laboratory in New York City in 1887, where his inventive mind could be free. In 1895, Tesla discovered X-rays after hours upon hours of experimentation. Tesla's countless experiments included work on different power sources and various types of lightning. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment for wireless communication. That year also marked the date of Tesla's United States citizenship. Brilliant and eccentric, Tesla was then at the peak of his inventive powers. He managed to produce new forms of generators, transformers, he invented the fluorescent light, and he became extremely involved with the wireless transmission of power. During the 1880a and 1890's Tesla and Edison became rivals, fighting to develop there inventions as quickly as possible. In 1915 he was severely disappoin... ...ever existed and declared others as "lost". Was he working on particle weapons and cloaking devices for the United States Government when he died? Was Reagan's Strategic Defense program known as "starwars" the result of secret research based on Tesla's discoveries half a century before? Nikola Tesla allowed himself only a few close friends. Among them were the writers Robert Underwood Johnson, Mark Twain, and Francis Marion Crawford. In his later years, Tesla was alone with only his inventions and calculations, although he did bred pigeons later in life, who he gave all the affection to that he was unable to give human beings. Telsa's name holds over 700 patents. Tesla died privately and peacefully at 87 on January 7, 1943 New York hotel room from no apparent cause in particular. Hundreds filed into New York City's Cathedral of St.John for his funeral services, and a flood of messages acknowledged the loss of a great genius. Three Nobel Prize winners in physics (Millikan, Compton, and W.H. Barton) addressed their tributes. One of the outstanding intellects of the world who paved the way for many of the technological developments of modern times, Nikola Tesla.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
China and Globalization Essay
China’s rapid ascent as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies (Adornino & Wilcox, 96) has triggered enormous attention among scholars interested not only in the political, economic and social underpinnings of its continued growth but also in the implications of its increased integration with the global economy. Indeed, an examination of the unique characteristic of China’s development and transition from a planned, centralized economy based on the socialist ideology to the liberal, open-market economy it is today strengthens the arguments in support of globalization. On the other hand, the impact of its liberalization and democratization on China’s poor also presents a critical view on the trade-offs of global integration. The stage for China’s entry into the global economy was clearly set by the transition from a closed, relatively self-sufficient economy which was crystallized in the post-Mao era under Deng Xiaoping’s leadership in the Chinese Communist Party. In the late 1970s, the Party began instituting domestic economic and social reforms mirroring its abandonment of the socialist economy and ideology in favor of neoliberal economics. (Adormino & Wilcox 96) Among the major reforms undertaken was the development and democratization of trade and markets, effectively allowing uncontrolled private ownership to the means of production, heretofore owned publicly, and the shift from a planned economy to a â€Å"market-oriented free trading system. †(Guan, 2001:118) Likewise, the Chinese government reduced state control and intervention in economic activities as it began to adopt an Open Door policy to attract foreign direct investment and facilitate the growth of China’s international trade. Thus, China became part of the global economy after economic liberalization and democratization. On the other hand, the country’s integration into the neoliberal world economic order has also been the subject of much criticism. Guan (2000) notes that the implementation of market reforms and China’s consequent integration drastically changed not only the country’s economic system but also important aspects of its social policy. (119) As a result of the shift to a free market economy, the State’s role in the provision of welfare and security for its citizens significantly diminished. For instance, food and price subsidies have been stopped and the poor are faced with the risks of unemployment. Likewise, Guan (2001) asserts that widening social inequality has also characterized modern China despite sustained economic growth and efforts at reforming social policy to provide safety nets for labor, agriculture, and other poor sectors. (243) Undoubtedly, knowledge of both the negative and positive aspects of liberalization informs the Chinese government’s attitude toward global economic integration. This is evident in the manner by which the state has controlled the pace of China’s integration with the international economy in order to preserve social stability. (Adornino & Wilcox, 97; Yong & Moore, 117) However, Yong and Moore (2004) attribute the State’s waryness of completely and totally embracing globalization to its fear of the inherent weaknesses and vulnerabilities of a globalized system that could jeopardize China’s â€Å"strategic outlook as an aspiring great power. †(117) China is thus effectively hindered from fully associating itself with the global economy due to its political identity as a socialist country and to the fact that the market reform has resulted into the further fragmentation of interests in Chinese society. Thus, it is in the most ironic sense that, as Adornino and Wilcox (2006) observe, the Chinese Communist Party legitimizes its rule and power through a flourishing capitalist economy. (100) The State is therefore careful of rushing headlong into a fully open, liberalized country since this would entail the further erosion of its power as â€Å"market reforms have increasingly devolved decision-making powers to producers and enterprise managers. †(Adornino & Wilcox, 100) The further diffussion and decentralization of power threatens not only the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party but also endangers the country to social instability as the needs of its citizens become increasingly diverse and at the same time polarized between those benefitting from the market reform and those who have lost much because of it. (Adornino & Wilcox, 100) China’s experience in globalization is arguably unique due to the government’s ambivalence in adopting a clearly Capitalist stance and ideology and the pressure created by the need for social equality. China’s integration to the global market is hampered by internal difficulties in aligning various political and economic interests. On the one hand, China’s economic restructuring has created a rapidly growing and expanding market and trading system integrated with the international economy. On the other hand, its government has to precariously balance competing interests in social and domestic policy, resolve the problems in social inequality, and at the same time reduce its involvement in economic activities as demanded by the free market economy. Thus, while the benefits of China’s rapidly growing economy is obvious for the elite, the host of political and social problems created in its wake also makes the majority of the Chinese people bear the brunt of the development from a clearly socialist path into an ambivalent capitalist society. Works Cited: Adormino, Giovanni and Wilcox, Russel G. â€Å"China: Between Social Stability and Market Integration. †China & World Economy 14. 3(2006):95-108. Guan, Xin Ping. â€Å"China’s Social Policy: Reform and Development in the Context of Marketization and Globalization. †Social Policy and Administration 34. 1(2000):115-130. Guan, Xinping. â€Å"Globalization, Inequality, and Social Policy: China on the Treshold of Entry into the World Trade Organization. †Social Policy and Administration 35. 3(2001):242-257. Yong, Deng and Moore, Thomas G. â€Å"China Views Globalization: Toward a New Great Power Politics? †The Washington Quarterly 27. 3(2004):117-136.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay on The Success of the New Deal - 811 Words
The Success of the New Deal Was the New Deal a success? The new deal was a success felt by many Americans, there was prosperity and for the first time hope for a better future. There were a lot of successes in the new deal, unemployment being one of the biggest, was brought down from nearly 13 million to just under 8 million. Millions of long-term jobs were created using alphabet agencies. For the first time in American history a welfare state was introduced, millions of people received relief, often food, shelter and clothing. Emergency relief certainly stopped people from starving. The government created social security and welfare schemes for the benefit of the many ordinary people†¦show more content†¦This was a success only to the workers. Farmers had been hit a lot harder than most in the 20s and past the Wall Street crash, the new deal did much to improve the lives of American farmers, especially those with large farms. By the mid-1930s farmers incomes were rising, this was mainly thanks to Federal government created alphabet agencies. The new deal did much to raise the morale and confidence of many Americans. Many began to believe in themselves again. Few turned to extreme Communist or Fascist groups. Roosevelt had increased the role of the federal government in America. It became much more involved in peoples lives. Most Americans now accepted that the federal government had a role to play in making sure the weaker sections of society - the unemployed, the homeless, the old and the poor - were looked after. Roosevelts own background of disability meant that he could sympathise with the disadvantaged in American society. He was determined to help the unemployed, the disabled and the elderly in his policies. However, there were still a number of people who werent enjoying the excitement on the road to recovery. Unemployment was reduced by a considerable amount but was not ended. The various schemes had limited impact. Some said they did not provide real jobs and the moment government ceased to pay, the jobs wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Success of the New Deal Essay1219 Words  | 5 PagesThe Success of the New Deal In 1932 the citizens of the USA were eager to see Herbert Hoover out of office. From the start of The Wall Street crash (1929), President Hoover had done next to nothing to try and counter the Depression following. He and the republicans argued that Economy went in cycles of bust and boom. He kept insisting, Prosperity is just around the corner. This gave the Democratic Party, led by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a great chance to attackRead MoreSuccess of the New Deal Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesSuccess of the New Deal During 1929 many people invested in the stock market, this led to the stock becoming less and less valuable, this eventually led to the Wall Street Crash. The current Republican President, Herbert Clark Hoover was not seen to be doing enough so he was succeeded By President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) , who would end the depression with his New Deal. Roosevelt holds the unique distinction of being elected four times by the people of AmericaRead MoreEssay on The Success and Failure of the New Deal747 Words  | 3 PagesThe New Deal The United States encountered many ordeals during the Great Depression (1929-1939). Poverty, unemployment and despair clouded the â€Å"American Dream†and intensified the urgency for solutions to address and control the nationwide damage. President Franklin Roosevelt proposed the New Deal to detoxify the nation of its suffering. It can be argued that the New Deal was ineffective due to the inability to end the Great Depression with its short-term solutions and created more problems, however;Read MoreThe Success of Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal718 Words  | 3 PagesFranklin D. Roosevelt’s â€Å"New Deal†package of legislation set a new precedent for United States involvement in cultural development. The New Deal was characterized by liberal use of government resources to provide relief, recovery, and reform to a nation that had been reeling from the aftermath of the Great Depression. While the immediate success of Roosevelt’s New Deal in mitigating the effects of the Great Depression is debatable, it’s long lasting impact on American government is still felt todayRead MoreThe Success of the New Deal in Solving the Problems Caused by the Great Depression724 Words  | 3 PagesThe Success of the New Deal in Solving the Problems Caused by the Great Depression Introduction- In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s the whole of America was in a deep depression and was in desperate need of help. When Franklin D Roosevelt was elected president of USA he came up with the plan of â€Å"the new deal†this was a planned guideline to regenerate money and the high standards of living the Americans once had not so long ago. He introduced 5 major organisations toRead MoreTo What Extent Was The New Deal A Success? What Were Its Successes And Failures?1682 Words  | 7 PagesSmitkumar Patel US History – 2 Professor Ojserkis 1 May 2017 To what extent was the New Deal a success? What were its successes and failures? The new deal was many programs issued by the US government to help the economy after the stock market crash of 1929. The new deal was issued because of the great depression and the new deal was a way to get out of the great depression. The great depression began in August 1929 and it lasted for about 10 years. â€Å"The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to 1939Read MoreThe New Deal : A Success At Tackling The American Economic And Social Problems During The 1930 S1226 Words  | 5 Pages1939, America was set with new government programs established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Within Roosevelt’s first Hundred Days, he established a plan that would bring America out of crisis. This program was called, The New Deal, and had three goals: relief, recovery, and reform. This goals, the 3 R’s were short-ran goals for relief and immediate recovery, as well as, long-term goals for permanent recovery and reform. Ultimately, the main goal of the New Deal was to br ing America out ofRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The United States1299 Words  | 6 PagesBecause of this, he created the New Deal, which was when lots of laws and programs were passed in order to help reform, relief, and recover from the Depression. The New Deal in America was a success because of FDR’s efforts.. The New Deal was a success in America because it brought relief to many Americans. An example of relief is shown in Document 1, a quote about how the NYA helped boost family incomes and allowed children to stay in school. Document 1 supports success because children could attendRead MoreThe New Deal Essay1253 Words  | 6 PagesThe New Deal The New Deal had three aims Relief, which was to help with unemployment, Recovery to rebuild the economy and to return USA to the 1920s economic boom. The New Deal was not a complete success, but it did prevent things from getting worse, it dealt with unemployment in a way. One of the aims of the New Deal was to provide Relief; I am going to assess the successes and failures of this aim. The role of the FERA, they were kind of a success because theyRead MorePresident Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal and Unemployment1355 Words  | 6 Pages The New Deal was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s legislative agenda for rescuing the United States from the Great Depression. The Great depression is widely believed to have been caused by the instability of the stock market in the 1920’s, due to a rising number of ‘speculators’. On October 29, 1929, the crash of the U.S. stock market triggered a worldwide financial crisis. In 1929-1933, unemployment in the U.S. soared from 3 percent of the workforce to 25 percent,
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