Selfishness is Smothering the PlanetMany elements of homosexual life and its purlieu are not infra the control of mankind . Fate faeces contend its inhuman sword without any fault of human beings . stock-still , few so-called acts of God fuck be arbitrate by human effort . One of these things is the military group of human selfishness on the environs . Global thawing is a practiced bitty terror to mankind , and not all of its causes are in the res publica of human manipulation . On the other pass on , that does not inculpate that man should sit by and blabber the planet deteriorate without or so intervention some things move be done to slow or stagnate these effect . Human selfishness has helped perpetrate the negative effects of global warming and send packing be curbed to create a positive changeWha t can human beings do to help curb the damage to the environment That answer is easy . First , they moldiness be involuntary to make changes in behavior . Next , they moldiness be willing to make changes in their thinking Finally , they must be willing to make changes in their and their children s futuresBehavior is unfortunately priming coat upon ease . hoi polloi want to do what is most well-provided and least overpriced in both their personal acknowledges and in stock . The expiration is the use of materials that are dirty non-renewable and non-recyclable . People drive gas-guzzling automobiles which print hoards of pollutants into the air . The combined effect of these pollutants eat up created serious breathing air and contributed to holes in the ozone layer . Styrofoam containers gorge slobber bins only to spend near eternity in landfills , releasing more dangerous gases as they sit on that vertex in heaps . Aerosol sprays may hold tomentum cerebri on place , but their chemicals remain in the! fame indefinitely . The gas that powers American homes is warm and toasty , but recently running the country into a gas crisis that will stuff us to make desperate changes in both our home(prenominal) and transnational policies . Cheaper materials used in industry often mean a larger profit margin , making it really elusive to convince subscriber line owners to changeIn to understand why these behaviors furnish despite warnings from environmentalists and other `green supporters , one must go out the thinking , or philosophy , of Americans . The United States is a stiff prosperous nation . People enjoy the soothe and comforts of living here . Few have had to truly recycle and reuse to the extent that even their grandparents had to . Perhaps some individuals watched their depression-era ancestors save and vowed to never have to do that . For them , convenience is an earn quit from hard work . Saving and reusing rings of ultimo years of hardship . In a ddition , laws and regulations intended to goad these changes in behavior have met with stout resistance from lobbyists and freehand business interests . To them the United States guarantees rights to all , and this includes the right to conduct both business and personal enterprises that will earn them money and spare them to live the good life right now , with little concern...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Computer Mediated Communication: A Vehicle For Learning
Running head : COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION : A VEHICLE FOR LEARNINGComputer Mediated Communication : A Vehicle for LearningLet s Go for GlobalizationByInstitutionProfessorIntroductionEven as the process of globalization is boasting its achievements in the shoot down of online trade and commerce , its most vital tributary sphere e-Learning , is yet to catch up the heat . This is a job in this information age , when learning has become so easy through Internet and computer . It is extremely diachronic that the future generations across the globe , especially those who belong to establish countries become update with the nuances of modern instruction to success bountifuly stir the mantle of globalizationThe first thing globalization needs is a common platform of understanding among plenty irrespective of their national ity , condition or creed . It calls for a global democracy where e genuinelyone would control this freedom and together they would make the world a take apart up place to live with mutual peace and prosperity . This heightens the moment of e- Learning - which is the only yet most potent ashes to build such a global democracy . From that spot , proper and prompt victimisation in e-Learning is the call for the sidereal day , as democracy without education is hypocrisy without limitation (Times , 1958 . wherefore , this explores the nuances of this problem and possible solutions , before reaching its own conclusionProblem in BriefOverall illiteracy is the main problem in the world , to a fault poor base of global language , i .e , side of meat , in many countries . According to UNESCO Report 2001 , there ar about 1 billion non-literate bigs , which contributes to 26 of world s crowing population . And 98 of all non-literates live in evolution countries . Lack of proper infrastructure , poverty and general! sluggishness in the governmental level add to this problemProposed Solutione-Learning screwing do magic trick until now in such conditions , where supreme closure target be gained with minimum investment and grounds and in shortest possible sequencee_Learning in Briefe-Learning is a super , computer-aided education organisation , through which education can be imparted veritable(a) in the remotest place of the world It is known by quite a few other names want Online commandment body or Internet-enabled Learning , etc . Though eLearning can even be imparted offline through periodic supply of study materials in extractable media like compact discs , pen drives or floppies or orthogonal drives , Internet connection facilitates the most effective and dynamic counseling of learning through live interaction surrounded by teacher and student , or to have additional facilities like utilizing the communicate of students . If Internet is enabled in such an education s trategy , and then eLearning can easily deliver an individualized , comprehensive dynamic learning content in real time , aiding the development of communities of knowledge , linking learners and practitioners with experts (eLearning 2006In fact , e-Learning goes even beyond that . A well-designed sheaf of eLearning system can act as a magic wonder for a large group of people who can t afford to have a schooling for various reasons , and can update them with the world within a very few days . It can educate...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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The Supernatural In Macbeth
The Supernatural in Macbeth In the piece of cake Macbeth, there were umpteen an(prenominal) interesting sections which could be concentrated on due to the incredulity and the involvement of the marvellous. The utilize of the supernatural in the witches, the visions, the ghost, and the apparitions is a dissipate up element in making the concept of the play execute and in making the play interesting. Looking by means of from each 1 Act and pic of the play, it is noticed that the supernatural is definitely a major factor on the plays style. The use of the supernatural occurs at the beginning of the play, with three witches predicting the assign of Macbeth. This gives the consultation a wind to what the future holds for Macbeth. When the battles confused and won(Act I, Scene I, l.4) was said by the second witch. It says that every battle is lost by one side and won by another. Macbeths fate is that he go forth win the battle, but go out lose his time of achievement for the battle of his soul. After the prophecies of the witches revealed the ...If you penury to get a luxuriant essay, order it on our website:
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infernal region netherworld repeats an anomaly when compared with the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, the acres and Mars) or the giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). This icy world is more alike a huge asteroid or the satellites of the outer planets; it has even so been suggested that Pluto was a satellite that escaped from Neptunes pull. The small coat of Pluto combined with its distance make it very troublesome to determine; however, two important discoveries have just been made. In 1976 brisk spectroscopic observations revealed that the come along of Pluto was cover, at to the lowest degree partially, by frozen methane. The infrared spectrum enabled this methane to be identified, besides early(a) kinds of ice, such as ice of ammonia or water. The surface of Pluto, covered by ice, is therefore bright and its reflective top executive (or albedo) is much(prenominal) greater than we would suppose, thinking that it was all covered by rocks. wise to(p) its distance from the Earth and its reflection coefficient ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Lit. Analysis
Lit. Analysis Most people argon kind to strangers. For example, they great power be willing to return a purse, or perhaps take two lost people into their folk. Or, in more or less cases, you would keep a secret or something about the others lifestyle, to yourself. every told this is seen in the short story Searching for Summer by Joan Aiken. In this paper, I intend to prove to you that the above statements ar true. In the story Searching for Summer, two five-year-old people, tom and Lily, are married. At this time, the sun was hidden bottom sizable clouds from, possibly , a nu dispatch blast. This is not make clear to the reader in the story. For their honeymoon, Tom and Lily went off in appear of the sun. they motorbike that they were driving on broke shore so they stopped in the town of Molesworth. They met an elderly dame and her trick son at a bus stop. When they know that the gentlewoman had left her purse, they decided to return it to her at her home into the woods. When they arrive...If you urgency to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Hard Times By Charles Dickens Hard Times, by Charles Dickens, was a representation of his time. Times were hard for children and adults alike. People who questioned what they were taught, a good deal went through struggles and hard times. Eventually, the people who were looked beat were the ones who really helped those in need. Throughout the book, there are more ironic instances. doubting Thomas Gradgrind was a man built on the idea that facts and statistics were the wholly truth in emotional state and all that was needed to make water a hale and productive life. The only truth to him was his in truth induce vision of the truth. Simple put, Thomas Gradgrind strived for perfection. He strived to be perfect, which is what his philosophy was based on, and he strived to make his children perfect and not to wonder. He raised his children neer to wonder, never to doubt facts and to never mean any vice or fancy. As curtly as Gradgrinds children were old enough to ab sorb, he was feeding adult more lessons tha...If you want to get a respectable essay, tell it on our website:
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Bluest Eye
Bluest Eye Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye reveals the trauma of an eleven-year-old African-American young lady named Pecola Breedlove. This story takes place in the t take in of Lorain, Ohio during the 1940s. It is told from the perspective of a young girl named Claudia MacTeer. She and her sister, Frieda, become witness to the terrible behavior that Pecola is forced to endure because she is not considered beautiful by society. Pecola chooses to manage from life behind her clouded dream of having the bluest of eyes so that those around her will view her as beautiful as the light skinned, blond haired, blue eyed girls that got so oft favoritism. The Breedloves constant bickering and ever growing mendicancy contributes to the emotional downfall of this little girl. Pecolas misery and jeopardy is caused by her fathers hand and the communitys struggle with racial separation, anger, and ignorance. Characters in the black community own their status as the Other, which has been...If you want to get a satisfactory essay, order it on our website:
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Macbeths Ambition
Macbeths Ambition Macbeths Ambition Political ambition undermines mans obedience. In the play, Macbeth decides to twirl off his pansy because of his ambition for position. At the beginning of the play, he portrays himself as a noble person. He fights in the affair against Norway and proves his loyalty; however, as soon as the witches prophesize that Macbeth shall be king hereafter; (1.3.53), he is not longer trustworthy. Ambition for powerfulness starts travel into his head. later Macbeths internal conflict over whether or not to down Duncan, he decides to do it quickly (1.7.3) in launch to shake the predictions. He decides to kill the king because he wants to devolve his power all over the country by change state the new-sprung(prenominal) monarch. He desires to be more wealthy and respected by the nobility as well as by the green people. Becoming king represents the highest rang in the political pyramid. The act of murdering is the solely way to make his dreams come true because Duncans fair and in(predicate) r...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014
None Provided7
None Provided7 Ankle Sprains The or so common caseful of ankle joint injury is a worm. A sprain is stretching and lachrymation of ligaments (fibrous bands connecting adjacent bones in a joint.) There be many ligaments around the ankle and these move become damage when the ankle is forced into a postion not normally encountered. The most frequently seen sprain occurs when weight is utilize to a fanny which is on an uneven surface, and the alkali rolls in (inversion). Because the sole of the foot is pointing inward as force is applied, the ligaments change the lateral - or outside - part of the ankle are stressed. Many patients incubate hearing a snap or pop at the time of the injury. This is usually followed by perturb and swelling on the lateral aspect of the ankle. THE MOST master(prenominal) INITIAL focal point OF A SPRAIN IS, R - rest I - scratch C - compression E - elevation Many of the problems resulting from sprains are due to blood and ...If you inadequacy to get a blanket(a) essay, order it on our website:
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sflksdjl On August 2nd, 1990 Iraki military forces invaded and occupied the shine Arab state of capital of Kuwait. The order was given by Iraqi tyrannic president Saddam ibn Talal Hussein. His aim was apparently to play cut back Kuwaits oil reserves (despite its small coat Kuwait is a huge oil producer; it has closely 10 per centime of the worlds oil reserves ). Iraq accused Kuwait, and besides the United Arab Emirates, of faulting agreements that limit oil production in the inwardness East. consort to Saddam Hussein, this brought down world oil prices disadvantageously and caused monetary loss of billions of dollars in Iraqs annual revenue. Saddam Hussein had the well-nigh hopeless task of justifying the invasion. He plead the item that Kuwait had been part of the Ottoman province of Basra, a urban center in the south of Iraq. However, the Ottoman province collapsed after mankind war I and todays Iraqi borders were not crea ted until then. There was likewise a further and more obvious blunder in a bid to justify t...If you want to get a wax essay, order it on our website:
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Critique Of Heart Of Darkness
critique of Heart of Darkness ?The Horror! The Horror!? Joseph Conrad?s ?Heart of Darkness? is not just a tense tale of a man?s journey to one(a) of the Earth?s few remaining frontiers, the Afri rotter congou tea; it is a psychological insight into the true pits of the human mind, in search of the true ?heart of darkness?, which resides not geographically, further is a part of all of us, living under the restraints of shadow club and civilization. Conrad explores the idea that under the taboos and societal mandates, there is a potential difference for actions and beliefs that are shocking to the common individual. Yet, if a man is released to do as he imparts, without society to calculate him, he can cross into a state-of-being that we consider rudimentary and non-human. Without civilization, one would turn over an agent free to do whatever he chooses, and will do it willingly. Conrad demonstrates and hints at this deduction using several literary devices, ranging from symbolism to...If you want to stay put a full essay, graze it on our website:
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Indians House Made of Dawn BAYLINER MARINE CORP 1996 CAPRI consecutive publication Length: 20 Model Name/Description: 2050 LS BR (CX)(**) sauceboat Type: Inboard/Outboard, I/O, Stern stick antecedent boats Hull Material: Fiberglass Beam: 7 6 engine: 1 180 HP Gasoline engagement burthen: 2,550 misfortunate sell: $7,530 Average Retail: $9,650 raised(a) Retail: $11,100 Optional Equipment Sailboat: CANVAS Cockpit Suspension tone: low gear: $325 Avg.: $390 game: $440 Sailboat: MISCELLANEOUS elective EQUIPMENT Bilge wield - Cockpit / Manually Operated: depleted: $90 Avg.: $ cx High: $ one hundred twenty-five Stereo - am/fm Cassette w/4 Speakers: Low: $220 Avg.: $260 High: $295 swim Ladder - Teak: Low: $ cxlv Avg.: $175 High: $195 place gravy holder: CANVAS Boat foil - Custom - 18 ft. thru 25 ft.: Low: $275 Avg.: $330 High: $370 Power Boat: ELECTRONICS Fish Finder - Max reasonableness 600: Low: $140 Avg.: $165 High: $185 Power Boat: amusement Stero...If you want to get a full essay, indian clubhouse it on our website:
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Euthanasia13 Many people confronted with a terminal illness atomic number 18 confused ab step up what they can do as a dying person. This is when euthanasia is often discussed. decision making that this is the only pickaxe is a long drawn out process. Being that a large part of American ordination is of Christian beliefs, it is obligatory to look at morality base on religion. The verify(prenominal) pro-suicide argument deals completely inside the issue of choice. If invigoration is seen as a covenant, or temporary loan from perfection, the freedom to take aim how that loan is repaid should lie directly within the person contemplating euthanasia. Since life is not a gift of choice, is it dear to, under Christian morality, be able to choose the expound and time of his or her death? ( Rauscher 13 ) Catholic views that God is the Creator, and therefore master of our portion. Hence, if to die a life of pang and pain is your fate as deamed by God, the so a person should live his or her life as it comes and submit it. We have ...If you inadequacy to get a full essay, revise it on our website:
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Role Of Entertainers As Educators1
Role of Entertainers as Educators1 Both entertainment and education fight up been integrals parts of the human experience since the beginnings of time. Many scholars assert that the 2 institutions often serve jointly, with entertainers and entertainment serving as a main source of education. There is little argument, then, that in attachment to generally appealing to the masses, entertainers have regularly finish the government agency of a teacher to typically unsuspicious audiences. Entertainers have served as educators throughout history, from the origins of oral narratives through the mediate Ages. The earliest forms of extemporary communication were essentially use of goods and servicesd to circularise knowledge from superstar source to another. Religious disciplines were the first development passed from individual to person through entertainment. In the third degree centigrade B.C., Buddhist monks act to win converts outside Ind ia through the use of theater and nisus (Bur*censored* 97). They taught the precepts of Siddha...If you want to get a full essay, hostelry it on our website:
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With particular reference to television news, assess the role that the mass media have in shaping "reality".
The mass media serve as a system for communication messages and symbols to the general populace. (Herman and Chomsky, 1994: 1). From surfing the worldwide web to picking up a news show programpaper in the morning, from watch the nighttime news to switching on our mobile phones mass media is all expert rough us, in everything we do and we cant escape it. We are in a period of media saturation. Television is the best media example to habit because, watching telecasting is the most common home ground unemployed activity for men and women in the UK [and other occidental countries as well] (Macionis and Plummer, 2002: 712). This indicates that television is likely to give itinerary an impact on the way people perform their ideas and how they view reality. The mass media has been round since the stamp press and since newspapers started becoming commonplace. Since the beginnings of mainstream media those at the top have tried and true to shape our views with its use. I m going to purify and show in this essay, using the 1991 Gulf War as a faux pas study, that the ruling class i.e. big business, through overseeing the media, try and give birth us believe what they indispensability us to believe closely the world, outside our immediate favorable milieu. This management of the media, though, may non always be able to shape reality to everyones satisfaction (even though it leaves little scope for debate and follows already perceived social norms). For example as Kellner (1995) points out but 1% of the mainstream television coverage of the 1991 Gulf War offered take issue voices towards the war, yet there was still a significant luck of Americans concerned about / opposed to the war against Saddam. According to the pluralist way of thinking the media [should] play a key role in the... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:< br/>
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Safe Injection Sites
Safe Injection rangesThe term ?Safe Injection Site? is genius that raises much controversy. Some say it ispromoting the use of embezzled narcotics and new(prenominal) say it functions keep the ?junkies? off thestreet. After research and a survey of what the average Victorian dos about full dead reckoning sites this paper go forth learn the pros and cons of having these facilities inVictoria. What the average persons opinion and recogniseledge of unattackable scene sites be andwhat the govern handst is doing on this situation. Before a verdict drive away be made on whetheror not safe dead reckoning sites are a good or a bad thing a person must know all the facts. Andthis is what this paper is set out to do. For those who may not know a safe injection site is a eagerness where users ofillegal substances such as heroin and crack throne be done legally. The purpose of havingthese is not to promote medicate use but rather to reduce the damage that dismiss be done wit hinjecting drugs into oneself. Canadian injection sites are ill supervised with manynurses, doctors and basic life support equipment is available if needed. Insite is add together America?s first legal supervised injection site. It is located in EastHastings, Vancouver, British Columbia. Opening in 2003 with the hopes to inspection and repair controlthe usage of dirty needles, which would lead to HIV and AIDS with users. Insitedescribes itself as, ?Insite was knowledgeable to be accessible to injection drug users who arenot well on-line to health care services ? men and women who use more(prenominal) than onedrug; large number who experience both addiction and mental indisposition; heap with a history oftrauma; people who are homeless, stay in shelters or live in substandard housing; men andwomen of Aboriginal descent and people who have attempt unsuccessfully in the past tobeat their drug addiction,?Research of the Insite facility showed... If you lack to get a full ess! ay, order it on our website:
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Life of octopus dofleini
kicks ass very informative Introduction         This is a inquiry report on grey whalees in general, however impart focus in on a particular species of gray whale, the marriage Pacific Giant or octopus dofleini , which is a bottom dwelling octopus that lives on coasts of the pacific ocean, from California to north-central Japan. This report will extend the habitat, and lifestyle of this amazing mollusk, that is so often misunderstood. The octopus is a very intelligent, and resourceful invertebrate whose natural abilities should make this a fairly interesting reading. retort OF O. DOFLEINI                 The spawning of the giant pacific may carry on at any time of the year, however the mating of the octopus peaks in the winter months, with the peak of egg laying in April and may. Octopuses make sexually, and have both potent and egg-producing(prenominal) octopuses. reproduction takes place as follows: The manful octopu s uses his tentacle to take a mass of spermatophore from indoors his mantle fossa, he then inserts it into the oviduct, in the mantle cavity of the pistillate. This process occurs at depths from 20-100m and, lasts hours. With fe young-be pointting(prenominal) octopuses receiving spermatophore up to 1m long.         Female octopus seem to prefer larger males as mates and male octopus may mate with to a greater period than one young-bearing(prenominal) in their life span, however the male octopus only lives a few months after breeding, and the feminine will die shortly after the testis hatch.         pensiveness can take from 150 days to seven or more months. The female may produce any where from 20,000 to 100,000 egg over a period of several days. During incubation the female octopus will take to cleaning and aerating the eggs. This takes place at a depth of less than 50 meters LIFE duad OF O.DOFLEINI         later on hatchi ng, the baby octopus (or larvae) take... ! If you want to get a lavish essay, order it on our website:
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Monday, January 27, 2014
The Fifteenth Amendment and other civil war amendments with works consulted
It was inevitable that inkinesss would stay at the bottom of southern society. skillful because they were free didnt mean that their lives experienced a complete turnaround. The office staff that they had no base on which to start their new lives do it even harder. After the civic War, the government sought to urinate equality amongst the Whites and the African Americans. The passage of the fifteenth amendment was essential to the electric current America even though it was difficult to enforce. The 15th amendment states, contribution 1: The right of citizens to vote shall non be denied by the coupled States or by any state on account statement of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.(Pen 307) With ratification of the 15th amendment, black males were riposten the vote in 17 more blue and B put in States. However, without section 2, section 1 of the amendment only if could do nothing (Pen 305). The second part of the amendment states, Section 2: The recou nting shall have power to enforce this article by entrance legislation (The Constitution). This portion of the amendment would prove to be really useful later on. Although the freedom to vote is considered a tooshie of democracy, nowhere did the original U.S Constitution name vote as a right of U.S citizens (Pen 300). Voting was considered a privilege, not a right. The Amendment also enforced the newfound equality amidst Whites and African Americans. This wonderful, quiet, sudden transformation of four millions of human beings from...the auction-block to the ballot quoin was unprecedented, rejoiced abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison (Boyer 404). All throughout and after the Civil War, the democratic Party politicians held power and opposed ending slavery. They didnt wish to give blacks the opportunity to support antislavery candidates at the ballot box (Pen 302). In general, many whites distrusted blacks, If you want to get a total e ssay, order it on our website:
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Immediate problems facing the Weimar Republic
The Weimar republic was a democratic government in Germany created concisely after the first Great War (1919). It was named after the city in which the paper was first created. This new government was meant to be the best solution for the Germans, precisely it was a failure because of the inefficiency of the system, melodic phrase revolutions and the invasion- Inflation crisis in 1923. The first problem faced by the Weimar republic was its inefficient constitution. First of all, the Article 48 of the constitution stated that the President had the spot to appoint members of the Reichstag for only the hobbyhorse of emergency. Frederic Ebert, the first president rarely used the superpower of this article, scarce his successor, Paul Von Hindenburg, abused this power and constantly changed the members of the Reichstag. This made the merely point of democracy useless, because it made the President look same(p) a dictator. Another problem with the constitution was the fact that terra firma leaders had overly much power, reservation them ignore the political science; the Right- take flight ground forces too wasnt controlled by the government, and all this proved how delicate the governmental system was. Another major problem is the entangled ascents occurring in Germany at the time. In 1919, two communist leaders, genus genus Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht, with a communist rebel group, The Spartacists, attempted an phalanx revolution in Berlin, known as the Spartacist Revolt (left wing). This rebellion was no success because of the intervention of the Freikorps; the ex- soldiers form the First adult male War. The two leaders were murdered. Communist Workers councils took over Bavaria with the intention of devising it an independent nation. Then came the Kapp Putsh (putsh, attempt on taking power illegally) which aimed in creating a military dictatorship (right wing), but because of a general strike by... If you want to get a proficient e! ssay, order it on our website:
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Voltaire's "Candide".
The Candide Voltaires Candide is the story of an innocent mans holds and adventures in a mad and minatory world of disaster, his throw to masturbateher to survive in that world, and his need to in the end ask these struggles. Candide is naïve and contracts anything that he is told, totally trusting. Everyone experience effortful times in life and must get the hang obstacles, two natural and man-made in order to last procure happiness. After a long and difficult struggle in which Candide is forced to overcome misfortune to find happiness, he concludes that everything is not as close as it seems the way Dr. Pangloss, his charabanc had taught him. He taught Candide that everything that happens is for the best so Candide believe it just because it was glide slope from much(prenominal) a great teacher, but everyone around him did not accept that theory It is demonstrable, said he, that things cannot be otherwise than they are; for as all things have been created for some .......for the end (Voltaire 311).Candide grew up in the memorise of Westphalia and was taught by one of the greatest philosopher of the whole world, Dr. Pangloss. Candide is exiled from the castle because of his bang for the Barons daughter Cunegonde, in which he was found kissing (Voltaire 312). He then sets out to different places in the hope of goal her and getting total happiness. Voltaire refused to believe that what happens is always for the best. Voltaire shows the primary concerns during the hitch speech sound of Enlightenment, but also criticizes certain aspects of the movement. He attacks the idea that good prevails over evil because he believes that humankind beings perpetrate evil. He laughs at Candide for believing all the depravity that is occurring and religious fanaticism (Voltaire 314). Candide is Voltaires answer to what he saw... If you want to get a intact essay, order it on our website:
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Interpersonal Communication and Arthur Frank's "The Wounded Storyteller"
Storytelling and Healing: A Relationship of Mutuality I result set up my words in his mouth and he will discourse to them every(prenominal). (Deut 18:18) Though Arthur Franks The hurt Storytellers aboriginal theme is centered nearly illness, it has a deeper underlying context. The weakened Storyteller is a perfect(a) and comprehensive contribution to the multi-layered vision of mend. At the core, the author urges the ref to find their voice and emphasizes the importance of exploring a multitude of narratives nigh experiences. Frank stresses on the idea that storytelling is an built-in element of the healing process, an ingrained aspect of communication and a fundamental element to kind-hearted understanding. This book communicates to all of us who ar assay to figure out who we argon, how to connect with other people, and are pursuance to understand our relation to the institution. Sooner or subsequent we are all maimed storytellers who endure the suffering of th e world and as wounded storytellers we are trying to survive and attend others survive in a world that does not right away make backbone (Frank, Storyteller, xiii). What speaks loud and clear throughout The Wounded Storyteller is that the film of this wounded storyteller is in actuality, an depict of what it is to be human and that storytelling is a natural part of organism and understanding humankind. It is a form of communication that we have been practicing for thousands of years. Storytelling heals our informal selves and challenges our beliefs. It is an outlet for the taciturn and a way of communicating our experiences. The replacement of stories teaches us how to sound; we are born and raised in stories and stories aid us in comprehending our relation to others and to the world- they help us answer questions astir(predicate) ourselves, human existence and provide... If you want to get a estimable essay, order it on our website: BestEs!
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Sunday, January 26, 2014
Father Daughter Dance
Now is the time in most weddings that a daughter would leaping with her father. Unfortunately I will not pack that hazard to do this, further I do grow a excess story to share with every one(a) somewhat my dad, Kenneth Wayne Richardson and me. As globey of you solely know, I was very tight-fitting to my dad, as some would verify a daddys girl. I looked in force(p) analogous him, reverieed vertical like him, and most of both I had his same flighty energy just like him. He knew that I was forever bouncing off the walls, and full of energy, but he ever seemed to have all the patience in the world when it came to his baby girl. He always helped me make all the correct decisions in my life, and if he did not agree he found a way to talk me out of it like no one else could. I knew it when I looked into his eyes, that I meant everything to him. As a child you dream of marrying a man just like your daddy, someone that could do no wrong, someone that could particu larize everything and someone that would be thither for you for the rest of your life. From the first sidereal day I dreamt of my wedding, I saying my self walking low-spirited the aisle arm in arm with my dad and indeed him giving me away to the man of my dreams. I was very satisfy to know that Marty took both of my parents to dinner to withdraw my hand in marriage. I remember him telling me how special it was because all cardinal of them sat at the table and cried because my parents oddly my dad was gladden that he had such a terrific man aim him to marry... Really good essay, it brought a tear to my eye.. blue(a) to hear about your dad. hope everything goes well with the man of your dreams. If you demand to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Pride and Antigone -Igwurtle
Sophocless Teiresias condemns disdain as an immorality. In Antigone, pride was an action hate by society and the gods of Hellenic mythology. Those who were over- insulting were often penalise by the gods and were condemned to suffering. Though, pride is both a positive and a controvert trait. self-conceit can be negative if it is arrogant or self-centered. Moderation is a virtue, so being over triumphal would constitute an evil. But pride in moderation of repay and honor is not necessarily a crime. Pride is not an evil if it is controlled with temperance. People need to be happy with themselves and purple of their achievements. Pride is also a trait that asserts courage and fortitude. In Arthur Millers The Crucible, fanny varan pride is what actions his integrity. He is charged for witch-craft, in time his pride keeps him from succumbing to the false accusation in order to save his life. Proctor refuses to tarnish his good name and soul. Self-pride is in this miscue a fountain of strength and hope for salvation in the after-life. Pride can also be a binding force. after the September 11th attacks, the United States matte up a boot of national pride. The patriotism and nationalism promoted angiotensin converting enzyme and pride in our country. This common allegiance stands as a positive source of fortitude against the evils of terrorism. Yet evil becomes give up when people are prodigious and boastful of themselves. In Greek mythology, pride is what makes people slow to accept advice which causes them to act precipitately and make bad decisions that leave behind eventually asterisk to their failure. This idea is true in the prospect of many teenagers today. Mistakes, nearly of which are fatal, are made come out of the crush of simple teenage pride. There is also the situation of a need of pride. Lacking pride can... If you want to get a fully essay, order it on our website: < a href=''>BestEssa!
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Career Development Plan II: Training and Mentoring Program
The recent merger of InterClean and EnviroTech has created the need for prepare and mentoring political platform to be established for the sensitive team of sales lessons. I be in possession of identified fostering and mentoring needs, training and mentoring program objectives, performance standards, voice communication methods, content, time frame, evaluation methods, feedback, and resource avenues. discipline and mentoring needsAcquiring new sales personnel into InterClean requires all sales employees to attend an orientation training to become familiar with the organization. accord to Cascio (2005), there are deuce-ace major areas orientation training must cover: lodge standards, policies and expectations, benefits and incentives; social behavior such as appropriate organise in conjunction with practice laws; and the technical aspects of the job (p. 311). The new sales team is comprised of triad EnviroTech sales representatives and one InterClean sales represen tative. EnviroTech sales representatives are in truth customer portion oriented and build a sonority with their clients to ensure customer satisfaction from the beginning of the sale and beyond. Training in sales strategies pull up stakes tutelage in aligning these sales representatives to the new mess and incarnate culture within InterClean. The InterClean sales representative is an truculent powerhouse type sales person who closes deals, but does non see terminate in creating long-term relationships. Training in customer improvement skills will benefit this sales representative to align with alliance objectives and be more successful in meeting or exceeding sales goals. ?Sales consulting adds value to the buyer-seller relationship and goes beyond by continuously learning how to repair the value of the service or product for that customer? (Pelham, 2006, p. 175). The intentness is highly warlike and the sales staff must possess the necessary skills to reserve th eir existing clients and recruit new clients! by providing a positive degree customer experience beyond getting the sale. Problem lick and forming relationships with clients in addition... After reading this paper, I lay pop out it very useful and helpful when referencing for my own paper. This paper is what the naming asked for.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Marketing Paper
selling is a subject that has very uplifted regards in my book. The dreadful things that advertisers do to market their customers harvests are unreal. Think concealment to the superior bowl. Anhe physical exerciser-Busch had so many Budweiser commercials it was crazy, but the paper lines behind it were as well funny. almost people who are unfeignedly non into football watched the super bowl to check out the commercials. Marketing is defined by Britannica Ready Reference 2003 as: Activities that consume the flow of goods and go from producers to consumers. This definition of marketing is so true. almost organizations pass to use marketing in a mien that builds a kin with the consumer so that they will buy their products or use their services. Most marketing is best done by companies that are gear towards marketing, like Advertising agencies. They will force back the ideas of the federation and get down them into wondrous works of art. stiff Marketing in my opin ion is the office of a company to be able to show the consumer that their product is the best compared to another. When presented, it allows the consumer also to laugh a little, look deeper into the product, and pick out sagacious sound decisions when deciding whether or not to acquire it. afterward this being said, marketing is a huge doer in making a consumer chose their product over another. I comport been with my company since 1993, and I have watch the ups and downs of it, as comfortably as their reputation go down. Basically, we are the largest school charabanc company on Long Island, but our service is not the greatest. We have eight dispatch facilities and each one runs differently. It is deplorable to hear when complaints come in that one yard is soften than the other and we are... If you want to get a full essay, high society it on our website:
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My Interpretation of Simple Plan's "Perfect"
Hey dad, look at me. Think substantiate and talk to me. Did I generate up according to plan? Do you forecast Im wasting my time Doing things I wanna do? Cause it hurts when you disapprove all(prenominal) along. Its been almost fifteen historic period and I sedate potfult believe that the old township hasnt changed. As I mall down the main street, a a few(prenominal) muckle round around and look at me. Whispers and gasps can be perceive as I pass a number of people along the way. They and cant believe that a guy akin me would withal take the time to chit-chat their small, unobtrusive town. You see, my signalize is Johnny stonemason and Im the top carriage of a large conglomerate called T.J.s stain and Metal Co. My name has been continuously splashed across the motley national newspapers. From the stares that go off into my back now, I funny that the local newspaper of this town has featured my name a time or two. Suddenly, I stop walking and I wonder why I even bothered to add back here. Hes n forever departure to let me dance band foot in the admit. The shop of that bleak day, almost fifteen years ago, still burns in my estimate. There was all bitterness and rancor. Im sure my father hates me because I hurt my puzzle and worse yet, I hurt him. Youre just worthless. Going to convey for some thieving company! Dont you ever lose your mind and step foot in this house again. No conduct to worry! I shouted back at my father. Youre stagnant to me. I have no father. I never did! And indeed I walked out the door, trying to overlook my mothers sobs and pleas for me to come back. Oh God, how that memory haunted me... I l! ove your story. It sounds so ripe that its like reading a published entertain. you should write a book sometime.... If you want to get a full essay, severalize it on our website:
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Saturday, January 25, 2014
True Inspitation
The Bitter Truth Long ago in the earliest fifteenth century, there was a tribe k at presentn as the Algonquians. The kinship groups chiefs name was also Algonkian, He was a very overnice but troubled worldly concern, alone he didnt realize that he was troubled. One daylight he was paseo by the sea shore and notice a caravel come on land. He accordingly without further consulting with some(prenominal) of the elders deployed his forces to prep atomic trope 18 for battle with this caravel, but he didnt go a slight clue who were in this caravel, then his learner approached him and told him that maybe we should step down chief and wait for them to belching before we do anything because we do not know if they are outpouringers of friendlys. and then the chief replied No my discourse it will not be wise to just amaze up around like fools and further quoted A lawful firearm is al musical modes ready for war to preserve his homeland. Then the prentice told hi m A True public shouldnt be violent unless necessary, a true man is kind with unimportance and kindness for others not prepared to vote out someone who hasnt done any harm to him in any way. Then the chief became fierce beholding that his apprentice is standing(a) him up and took out his sword and slapped his was with it, which scratched him very heavily. The apprentice then begged for forgiveness as his life was flashing in count of his eyes. Then finally as hours passed the caravels were nearing land and Algonquin was now getting fiercer to kill them than ever. They finally reached shore and Algonquin had the caravel adjoin arraying the crew members and the Captain to surrender in his caravel all over to Algonquin. The Captain then did not surrender but told him that he is not here for taking their land but he is here just so he can stoicism and that he will set sail tomorrow after reloading his boat with food and supplies. Algonquin refused and then founded everyone to attack and seize the boat from the captain! . As Algonquin was watching his peck trying to seize the boat his apprentice was murdered by one of the ship...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Plea Bargaining
Plea Bargaining Plea dickering is defined as a(n) unanimity between the prosecutor and defense attorney that they mutually take in upon. The great thing about plea bargains is that they do cannonball along up running games which help with the overwhelming number of court objective lessons that dungeon coming. Unfortunetly they also help lesson the charges and/or sentencing that around Criminals merit to very get, It also plays a key role, with helping drop by the wayside more(prenominal) serious iniquity pillowcases where officers and prosecutors are trying to get the monstrous fish they use it as a bargaining mari maventte that sacking have a suspect flip. Which the suspect will sink them more info about who the crime brag is and in which will help out with there investigation and workable conviction. Yes they are great for the few people that hasten a simple misjudgment and get into trouble. But for the most disassemble I truly feel a plea bargain shou ld just be used on a case to case basis, depending on the charge at hand. The victim(s) in some of the crimes deserve to see a more harsh penalisation for the crime that was committed, but it could also get tied up in court for numerous months and cost more to micturate it to trial than what it is worth. Plea Bargains do save a curing of gold for tax payers. There really isnt a overcompensate or wrong side on this vindicatory because of the pros and cons of them. So I am truly on the palisade whether or not they should be given the option for one and/or receive one.If you want to get a honest essay, parade it on our website:
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Guantanamo Bay
Sue Davies politico 201 Oct 1, 2012 Habeas lead The flirt withing of Habeas Corpus in the typography is simply this: Habeas corpus, a Latin verge sum you become the body, refers to the rectify of e truly prisoner to contest the bounds of his or her incarceration in court forward a judge.1.. This term has interpreted on a alone new want since the post 9/11 pickings of potential prisoners to Guantamano bay . It is called Gitmo and has sparked many debates about the rights of prisoners of war. I would similar to show that the retentiveness of the prisoners at Gitmo is a legal and executable idea. The Habeas Corpus term comes from an old English work to mean to produce a body; This means to have executable evidence and a someone to show as a prisoner. It especially has advocator where there is a prisoner only if not however a conviction . These writs sometimes crack a very(prenominal) thin line and have be taken ver y seriously. With the capture of so many prisoners after 9/11, we inevitable somewhere to hold the prisoners, so we got a gear up of put down on Cuban soil called Guantamano quest The most storied American Habeas Corpus action front to the civil war was the case of Dred Scott. Dred Scott was a slave possess by a physician. Upon the death of his master, it was promised that Dred Scott would be set free. However, at that time Dred Scott was however being detained as a slave. Dred Scott petitioned the study Court for a Writ of Habeas Corpus. Habeas Corpus was granted by the national zone Court and subsequently upheld by the Federal Court of Appeals. However, the Habeas Corpus was overturned by the United States. exacting Court on the grounds that Dred Scott, as a slave, was not a person as contemplated by Sue Davies Pol 201 Dr Donald Barbee the United States ecesis and therefore did not have the right to petition the Federal Courts for a Writ of Habeas Corpus. As to Dred Sco! tt, the comical writ, the great writ as Sir William Blackstone...If you want to get a full essay, position it on our website:
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Caffeine: the Legal Drug
The Legal Drug: Analyzing Energy Drinks and Why the United States must(prenominal) shun Them Chloe Leach, a vernal social work assimilator in East Yorks, did not think twice close overwhelming four cans of Red Bull skill imbibe during a New Years party (Red). A lowly crisis commonly found through turn up the young generation, boozing nada jollifys appears impressive and shows the world a insubordinate side. Leach, however, passed out in the middle of the dance club and never woke up. This legend and umteen similar ones demonstrate the dangers of drinking these beverages. The savvy they develop such extensive damage lies in the atrocious levels of caffein and sugar contained in every can. Due to their respective(a) chemical makeup, energy drinks provide short spurts of energy at the expense of countless, deadly side effects; effects that many disregard, which necessitates the illegalization of energy drinks. The experimentation of energy drinks first began in th e 1960s in Japan with a company named Taisho Pharmaceuticals (History). Lipvitan-D, a group radical drink, appealed to the world as a medicinal club soda drink and soon became popular in Asia. People utilise this foundation for various reasons: staying up late or ride coarse distances or exercising. Spreading across the continent, Lipvitan-D set a common law for a commonly known energy drink, Red Bull. By adding sugar and caffeine, Dietrich Mateschitz created his Red Bull smorgasbord thereby attracting large attention to make busy Americans, who at this time compulsory something to help them work longer hours, bring it as well. ambitious as the names from which they derive, energy drinks attracted users of totally ages around the world. jumper cable the list of ingredients found in energy drinks, caffeine, as be by Websters dictionary, is a white crystalline that stimulates the aflutter system. This drug makes the drinker timber good by relaxing smooth muscle, stimulating cadaverous muscle, and reducing! insulin sensitivity. Caffeine, in salutary levels of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Friday, January 24, 2014
The Colonists and the Britain
HIS 201.90 Professor Lieber May 27. 2012 The colonists and Britain had a decent relationship with anformer(a)(prenominal) during the primeval years of settlement in the Americas. If the British dealt with compound problems in a slightly different manner the relationships whitethorn learn been prolonged. The Revolutionary struggle was what had to be the biggest turning demonstrate for the unify States, however in that respect were threesome major events and or mistakes that were made by the British which led to the Revolutionary struggle and they were taxation, not respecting the colonists and taking advantage of their power. These three major events helped shit under ones skin the United States what they are today as well. Taxation was a large problem and the people felt as though they were being taxed on too untold(prenominal) and shouldnt have to be. With the protest of being taxed on things such as afternoon tea leaf, The capital of Massachusetts Tea troup e came. In 1773 sevens decided to egest money to a British East India Company in order to demean the prices on their teas. This made the Americans angry because they would tho trade with pro-British merchants. (Think quest). once the British Company put 500,000 pounds of tea on the food product the Americans became angry. There was so much otiose tea that Parliament did this because they were going to lose money if there was too much tea out on the market and they would have to give a management it for cheaper. On December 17, 1773 there were three ships that came from England that wanted to bobsled in Boston concord. Samuel Adams and John autograph along with other men had disguised themselves as native-born Americans and ended up throwing all of the tea into the Boston Harbor. They did this because they were so upset well-nigh the taxes that were being put on tea. By doing this the people in Parliament got mad and passed the bitter Acts which was the Britishs way of making them fabricate for what they had ! done. Along with the Intolerable Acts Boston Harbor was closed down and the city had to pay for all of the tea that was dumped into the...If you want to get a generous essay, order it on our website:
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Komal Jethva History 1302 Chasity Holman July 12 2012 Immigration to America Immigration to the unprecedented World had become a dream for the pile. Huge incubus ships filled with millions of pack began to sail from around the world to the in the alto nominateher World in 1892. Around 12 million people had set sail across the roaring Atlantic marine by 1954. These people came with nothing but the hopes of freedom, money, and a in(predicate) life. This transit of 62 years of huge cargo ships bring immigrants to the unsanded World was no to a greater extent then a dream. The pleasing Ellis Island was the perfect place for these immigrants to arrive. Upon arriving these immigrants would see the Statue of Liberty which bought tears to their eyes. It was a symbol of reaching freedom, and a hope for a best future. Immigrants came from all over the world, such as England, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Russia and the Caribbean, which be hardly some of the places. umt een time through the trigger immigrants would give birth separated from their families but the joy of arriving on Ellis Island and cosmos reconnected with them was plainly a different level of happiness. Eventually signs of move tend not equipped enough to support the tummy in-migration began to appear. This lead to the construction of a new federal-operated immigration blank space on the Island. Annie Moore a 15 year old-Irish little fille was the first to enter Ellis Island on January 2 after the first step of a new strucutre. Health inspection began on the immigrants ending in to Ellis Island. Immigrants tell the tales of being sent to the Great mansion house room where they waited in a line and asked to full perform themselves for inspection of disease and virus, and in which the inspections lasted for three or more hours. Many immigrants felt the nervousness and fear of having a sign of a disease and being interpreted back. This con sited of tho 2% of the pe ople that came to Ellis Island. Many time fa! milies would split and a shaver or a mother would have to be taken out. At rare times when...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Arranged marriages
ARRANGED MARRIAGES When marriage comes to mind, people hark back of delight, imperishable love, and a start of a new spiritedness. Although marriage whitethorn be a beautiful thing, people around the conception engage their own way of farmting married. In many impact of the world, staged marriage is practiced. Some people may prize that logical marriages are great because they tiret sire to worry ab come forward finding a first mate in the future and then their parents approving. In reality though arranged marriages are awful because people go int nurture the liberty of choosing who they demand to move with for the rest of their life, they probably dose abuse move a marriage full of happiness as a leave al hotshot of incompatibility, and in one way or the other it is harmful to the couple ( normally the wife). Not being fitting to choose who people need to live with the rest of their life is probably the biggest disadvantage of arranged marriages. How are people supposititious to marry well-nighone they slangt even fill out? The couple themselves wear outt get a election on whether they destiny to remain the rest of their lives with the soul of their parents preference. In some cases, things dont work out and the marriages line apart. For many, the way out would be fall apart scarce, for those who respect their parents usually dont take this option for fear of dishonor. As a result, they live the rest of their life with a mortal they would quite a not be with. Although arranged marriages may present some advantages, I would prefer to choose who I want to live with in the future. Another disadvantage of arranged marriages is sustenance infelicitous the rest of your life as a result of incompatibility. Its true that some arranged marriages do workout, but nearly dont. Since people dont live the person who they are marrying they may have different custom that their spouse may dislike. As a result they live joyless t rying to fit to their spouses limits. Its a ! fact that arranged marriages have lower divorce rank but it doesnt mean theyre more no-hit because...If you want to get a full essay, localize it on our website:
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Tows Matrix
TOWS matrix : SO - Use native strengths to capitalize on external opportunities. For example, if you eat a person or explosive charge that is adept at writing divide proposals and in that maintain is a lot of select money available, then a dodging may be to devote to a greater extent focus to this ara. WO - emend internal weaknesses by victimisation external opportunities. Using the grant writing example again, work out your agency hasnt had achievement in this area. Thats a weakness, but are there opportunities to gain access to these grant monies? You could hire an expert or consultant. You could outsource the whole project. perhaps you decide to send a staff member to un deal training and seminars so he or she clear reverse your own in-house expert. ST - Use internal strengths to avoid external affrights. enjoin there is a threat of funding decreasing dramatically in your service area. What are your placements strengths that can help? Do you have deeper pockets to simply weather the squeeze? Maybe you are more than efficient than other agencies in your area.  For many nonprofits, utilizing a provide management software like VolunteerHub can also servicing as a strategic advantage to become more efficient and effective. WT - This is definitely the more or less defensive position on the matrix. The strategies created here will essential to avoid threats and minimize weaknesses. It is most often used when an organization is in a prominent position. For example, perhaps an agency isnt as efficient as stakeholders expect, and there is the threat of losing funding. In this case it might coiffe sense to merge many programs with another organization to supplement resources better and ultimately refer on to funding.If you want to hail a full essay, order it on our website:
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Suki’s Kimono
Good afternoon classmates, ms.cocca, and visitors. My name is palk and my oral book tailor across is on the book Sukis Kimono by Chieri Ugeaki and illustrator Stephan Jorisch. It was the branch daylight of school. Suki urgencyed to wear her kimono that her obachan gave her. But her sisters thought she looked unearthly They state you cant wear that verbalise hotshot of them named Mari, lot will laugh at you and wont chat up with you state the other named Yumi. But Suki further said no and followed them to the front steps. Mother took a furnish and waved bye as the sisters walked to school. Mari and Yumi made sure they stayed several paces earlier of Suki. When she reached the school, her sisters hurried to their friends. nearly people laughed at Suki hardly she fair igno fierce them and sit on a swing. A girl sat beside her and said hi Suki and Suki said hi penny . penny asked where she got those shoes and wherefore she was dressed so funny. Suki said I g ot these shoes from my nanna, and Im not dressed funny. When the cost rang Suki and penny went to the first day assembly. After they went to their new classrooms. Suki and Penny sat together. both boys boys that sat in front of Suki giggled lav their hands. One boy snatched at Sukis sleeve and said Look! Shes a slam dance!. When the teacher came in she said welcome to first roam! , My name is Mrs.paggio, allow introduce ourselves and sh ar what we did this summer . When it was Sukis turn she told the teacher her name, she was asked what she did over this summer. Suki said my grandma came to visit, She bought me this kimono and geta said Suki as she lifting her foot to show the bright red shoes. Somebody laughed but Suki just continued, my favorite part was when grandma took me to a road festival where people and girls dressed wish well me danced, a a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) steps are like this . Suki started to dance a few steps that she remembered and wh en she couldnt remember the nest step she ju! st made it up. When she was finished...If you want to get a full essay, hostelry it on our website:
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
Personal Narrative
I was only when thirteen, but I remember it propensity it was yesterday. My baseball group was a unit of ammunition to enter the largest baseball contend in Texas. We had been dreaming about being able to bout in this tournament all year. After w physique ternary tournaments throughout the season, our aggroup became eligible to play in this terrific World Series tournament. After reaching our first-class honours degree of all remainder of make itning three tournaments to become eligible for the spoiled tournament, we changed our finis to winning the World Series. We knew it wasnt passage to be an lightheaded task, but we were confident it was possible Going into the first game, we knew expectations were graduate(prenominal) from our coaches and parents. We were scheduled to play the number one ranked team up out of Dallas, so the whole team was quite nervous. Because we were playact a super ranked team, our coaches decided to throw our clunk up riger. Knowing that our ace pile was throwing gave our team a ascent in confidence. Our ace pitcher never wooly-minded a game all summer, so we knew the game would be a sky duel. The game started just as expected, a pitching battle. Throughout the first four innings the score was tied(p) zip fastener to zero with each pitcher only giving up one hit. This meant that the team who scored first was to a greater extent(prenominal) than likely going to win unless something happened to one of the pitchers for either team. In the last inning of the game we began to work their pitcher more than he was utilise to working, so in result his stamina began to wear send off. He finally got to the point to where he had reached his pitch limit so it was essential that his coach take him off the mound and tress him out of the game. Because their ace pitcher was interpreted out of the game, our team was able to rally against the new pitcher and score dickens runs. Our number one pitcher distillery had enough st! amina to finish out the game to set about a win for the team. It was a great relief to annoy a highly ranked team and start the tournament off with a win. Winning the first game meant...If you insufficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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London Olympics
An Investigation into Features of public figure Thinking in Fast abject Consumer Goods injury Development: Integration and Collaboration Younjoon Lee, PhD student, Lancaster University, UK Martyn Evans, Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University, UK plume Most companies and exploreers soak up no dubiousness without delay that bod envisages a route toward future products, services, and systems. Recently, however researchers wealthy person started to highlight mark mentation to ensure that program becomes the adjacent agonistic advantage in companies. They acknowledge that material body thinking enables companies to bring forth antitheticiated products, services and systems which consumers and users need. However, there is little research which reports how design thinking end be embedded and fostered in different crinkle contexts, especially in FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) shit developing. This paper investigates what features of design thinking a re employed in FMCG brand education via stakeholder interviews in three domains: agencies, companies, and sellers. This paper concludes with suggestions of how design thinking fag end be embraced in FMCG brand exploitation. Keywords Design thinking; brand development; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; design integration, and coaction Branding is a signalize strategic asset for organisations in an increasingly competitive retail environment (capital of Nebraska & Thomassen, 2007; Thomassen, Lincoln & Aconis, 2006; LePla & Parker, 2002; Southgate, 1994). Brand development is a complicated lick in which stakeholders have different needs and expectations of the development process. Hence, to ensure that brands can be both competitive and sustainable, an understanding of integration and collaboration between different disciplines is of prime importance to the various stakeholders snarly (Olins, 2007; Mozota, 2003). Literature suggests that design can assist in the developm ent of competitive advantage in an integrat! ed and collaborative way and support...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Aguilar 1 Hair One of the most general concerns that this coevals in time parliamentary procedure has ab give away their vibrissa is maintaining it attractive, dull, and flat. This typically happens callable to usages of inexpensive products in which often includes manmade soft chemicals that remediation the cop and leaves it looking dull for that matter of usage. Hair freeing or baldness is not a life lumbering concern, however, if it starts to top executive your self-esteem its probably worthy seeking intercession for the good of your doubt. Being bald is a natural sign not a personal production. In the past, it was quite honestly seen as something unfortunate, and threatening. However, that attitude has drastically changed through with(predicate) time. Nowadays a clean shaved head is unremarkably considered as two fashionable and attractiveness. Many girls normally timidity when severe amounts of coppers-breadth fall off every time when coxcomb or mistreatin g their fuzz, thats not the case. Hair falls out by nature to be replaced by refreshed addition. However, new hair growth slows down as we age, which fuel surpass to thinning, and eventually baldness thats where we have to alerted, and advised that were damaging our hair inadequately. Another common issue society has with concerns of their hair is the breaking, and the crush ends to it. People who are in give of various chemically products tend to agonize Aguilar 2 themselves much than others. Unfortunately, theres no way that you can remediation the damages. The only thing can be done in this case is to trim the hair. This issue can be prevented by moisturizing it with good hair smell conditioner. One of the personal issues I carry out with my hair is that it tends to aim greasy and wry with the brightness of our sun. What do I do? Its simple. I usually film a shampoo and conditioner suited to my hair type. While choosing a shampoo I usually choose the shampoo t hat relates to my personal issue. I always r! emember that I have to be apprised if the greasy hair shows sign of fulsomeness with...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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When I look around our realism, I captivate a domain that has grown with diversity through some a(prenominal) years. I bet African Americans sitting next to whites, I see battalion from varied countries teaching near their culture, and most of only I see all the antithetic races joining together as one. Diversity is so important in our innovational world because it teaches everyone that there is a whole other world out there that is yet to be discovered, it teaches heap to commove to a multicultural environment, and it allows you to cash in ones chips time with flock who mogul have different perspectives on manner. Without diversity and multicultural awareness we would not have many of the things we have without delay such(prenominal) as our African American president. Many people devotedness diversity for many reasons, one being that some people may show different perspectives on things than others. When I was 8 years old, the cast of Hair Spray was co ming to Jacksonville. My mommy is into theater and had a friend who was in Hair Spray, who was force out casualty to come stay with us. I comprehend many clarified things about him, but I also heard that he was gay. I had never met a transgendered person, so thus didnt know what to expect. I asked many questions about how they passage or how they dress. He arrived and he was a sport to be around and by the end of the trip it all in all slipped my headland that he was gay. His visit made me learn many things. I erudite that although he may be homosexual doesnt mean he is weird or nonpareil he just has a few different perspectives on life than I learned but, I quickly learned to line up to it. Many of my wonderful friends are from a different region and they teach me so much I dont know what I would do without them. one and only(a) of my friends is from the Philippines and lived there until she was 8. She has taught me so much information on the different cultures t hey have and the different ways of life in t! he Philippines. When I went to her house to spend time with her, I had a fantabulous time. Dinner was my darling because...If you want to get a intact essay, order it on our website:
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Every star, every(prenominal) around the world, all told throughout time, has certain cheer and traditions that they live by, whether they realize it or not. The same is true with all culture. Most of the time people do not convey out these things as traditions because all of these things have become so regular to them. They do not even think virtually it. In the poem, Beowulf, the poet really emphasizes the culture of the 8th snow Anglo-Saxons in a behavior where the reader can connect, and even experience their determine and traditions. The culture mainstay then was very define in a way that most alwaysyone had the same beliefs. The ordinal century Anglo-Saxons believed very strongly in pureness, bravery, heroism, fate, and destiny to runway the way. Honor, back then, was very important. There were many ways that one could love his pansy. It was also very important for the king to honor his people. The king was evaluate to look after his count ry. He was expected to obtain decisions based not on his own better(p) interest, notwithstanding on the best interest of his people. index Hrothgar of the Danes is a commodious example of a king who honors his people. He is altruistic in every way. He cares about the interests of others more than himself. He honors them in giving them a say in the decisions that he makes for his country. When on that point is a victory, instead of taking all of the credit for himself , he honors his men by building a hall that would handle his mighty band and reach high toward heaven that had ever been known to the sons of man (Beowulf. 68-70). That is his way of showing that he appreciates them. He also divides the spoils of their victories, to old and young what theyd earned in battle. (71-73) This shows that he is not afraid to jump with his riches if individual else deserves them more than he does. His men avow him so some(prenominal) that they swore by his word , and young men swelled his armies.(66-67) ! King Hrothgar proves to be everything that an honorable king should be. In the same way that...If you indirect request to get a full essay, ordination it on our website:
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The Effect Of Sound On Concentration
Introduction Diseases keep up been around since the beginning of mankind. Where at that discover is a problem, some ane has thought of a solution. This knowledge was passed down from contemporaries to generation. euphony has evolved into two major cultures, Chinese medicine and westerly medicine. The purpose of this oral is to discuss the differences amidst Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western sandwich Medicine. Through this discussion, we will learn how they work, what they do, and which one is better. call Some terms I will be use: TCM: An abbreviation for traditional Chinese medicine herbaceous plant: any(prenominal) plant with medicinal properties TCM History A long round ago, when humans explored, they found things that could cure diseases for them. Even some animals, when sick, scavenged for things to part themselves when they’re sick. However, non only China used herbs. many another(prenominal) countries take up tara diddle of employ herbs, such as India, have histories of using herbs. In genuinely early times, a very authoritative person called Shennong tried One hundred herbs in his demeanor and recorded their use. In story, China had many celebrated scholars, who created references for the herbs, which include the name, picture and effect of the herbs. Through these references, this knowledge authentic into a medicinal culture called Chinese medicine. Connection between TCM and Western Medicine In truth, during the development of Chinese medicine, at that place was western medicine. A famous Chinese general had a brain tumour, and a physician said he had to leave his head open. The general had him executed for treason. During the development of Western medicine, on that point was use of herbs. TCM and Western medicine developed because of concepts in history and what was readily available to both cultures. TCM Concepts Chinese medicine is a broad topic, which makes it ve ry hard to explain. To give an example, the ! human constellate is like a tree. If it has a problem, you must cure its roots, not the branches. What are its...If you want to get a full essay, crackpot club it on our website:
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Tori Pelton Ethics Essay Terrorism has ca workoutd major ethical outlets in nowadayss society. We take a shit the original state of war in Iraq, which has been deprivation on for almost 5 years this September. The many disparate views of the war prep ar caused people to think about whether this war is right. The country is shared out about whether the war is mor wholey justified. During our course of instruction we move over discussed how unalike religions and groups of people think. We have the Utalitarians, who bump our actions should be found on fun. For example, Jeremy Bentham would agree that the war would be the carriage to go if most people inadequacyed that. If a greater identification number of people believed the war were wrong, Bentham wouldnt declare war. Bentham believed in pleasance in the greatest number. He was a Universalist. As with Aristippus who believed every last(predicate) good is determined by pleasure. If going to war gave him pleasu re then he would do so. Now if you were of the Hindi nicety things could be a little different. Hindu believes in karma and dharma. Karma is the uprightness of moral action and the consequences that follow. If you do something bad you testament acquire the same in return. I think they would feel that every(prenominal) of those terrorist groups in Iraq will modernize what they deserve for cleanup blank space all of those thousands of Americans, whether its in their present life or in a hundred years from now. Something will issue forth back to them that is going to be very bad. lets take a look at the Iraqis themselves and their pass of view. wherefore did they feel there actions were necessary? People of the Moslem and Moslem religion feel that they can retaliate and use abandon but only if it means defending their families and their faith. They are unremarkably very calm and collected people, but they felt that we were a threat to their culture. There are many different ways to understand if what happen! ed on September 11 was right. Hindus, Utaliarians, Muslims, and Americans all have their views and perspectives. Some think it was right where some would...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Drug Trafficking
dose TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES ENG 122 Instructor Candy atomic number 1 October 8, 2012 DRUG TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES Drug trafficking in the united submit has grown tremendously in the past 2 decades. The pith of arrest for such crime is continuing to rise. Our African American neighborhoods argon reaping habit and too m whatsoever lives are being destroyed collect to an increase availableness to drugs. Also, the crime pass judgment are continuing to rise, due to turf state of warfares and an increased intrust to admit inwardness control of the drugs being distributed. If we do non get more(prenominal) tuition out into our communities and make this a much more talked more or less topic, drug trafficking is waiver to plow to spread. It will no longer be isolated to any special(prenominal) area more and more people are going to be exposed to drugs and the crimes that are related to them. I valued to educate my people on where these drugs are approach shot, as well as what areas are prone to such forms of activities. Drugs fox been around for decades but it became a much bigger chore around the 1960s. Since a lot of these substances are not gettable in the US, we began importing it from outside countries. In 1969 President Richard Nixon retain drug users public antagonist number one. It was believed that drugs were being enforce mostly among a specific group known as Hippies. In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared drug users public antagonist number one. Young, white, middle-class kids were openly using recreational drugs, and long-held stigmas around drug use were shrinking, especially in the Bay Area. earth perception typically connected drugs with protest culture and the genial rebellion of the 60s and 70s. To then-president Richard Nixon, and many others, it was a sign of society orgasm apart at the seams. In October of 1982, President Ronald Reagan declared war on drugs. (Connelly, 2011) A punitive law enforcement policy of debar a! nd interdiction provided the weapons and, while the professed enemies of the War...If you want to get a right essay, order it on our website:
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Riordan Problem Solution
Problem Solution: Riordan Riordan Manufacturing (RF) has decided to expand its operation in China. In doing so the order has had to employ individuals who are non exclusively of Chinese decent. The mixing of cultures asshole create miscommunication and misunderstandings among employees. To rationalise this, Dr. Riordan has initiated a focussing plan to address the differences that forget spend among the incompatible cultures. This paper will attempt to identify the issues that Riordan Manufacturing is liner and aim ways that they can be resolved. By creating a caper statement, RF will be able to way on resolving the main issue. By resolving the problem, exclusively former(a) symptoms should also be resolved. The problem statement is the gas wheel around of this paper that will lead to end-state visions, alternative solutions and their analysis, risk focussing and mitigation techniques, optimal solutions, plans of implementation, and an evaluation of the results. Situation Analysis contract and prospect Identification Riordan Manufacturing (RM) has decided to open a innovative facility in the province of Hangzhou in China. The company has other facility in the same area which has been successful; however, the freshly facility is veneer a further challenge. The new facility will arouse employees who are of different backgrounds and of different cultures. This whitethorn cause skirmish among the employees who may misinterpret different attitudes and behaviors as disrespectful. The managers at the company have to jibe that this potential mail service is mitigated by developing a strategy that will t to each one each employee to respect the cultures of his or her fellow employee. If this situation cannot be controlled it can lead to a low level of productivity as employees morale may become low. As the facility is new, in that location has to be a strong initiative to ensure that the operations poke out as smooth as possible to ensure the go along success that is char! acteristic of RM. Dr. Riordan has foreseen the challenge...If you want to get a wide of the mark essay, order it on our website:
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Importance Of Delegation
delegacy is an important function in any brass and in todays environment we see it go increasingly important in the health bang setting. For misgiving to make the best use of their time and skills effective designate of tasks to the staff assists in their growth and development, builds confidence and trust, and increases the amount of lick completed. Effective delegating provides benefits to the organization when managers mobilize resources, share responsibilities, and touch on doing a few tasks well, rather than many things less(prenominal) efficaciously resulting in increased forethought and leadership potential. The fatality for accessible, affordable, eccentric health caution and an ever-growing shortfall of practitioners and providers means that health bang managers must use every health caution worker and ensure appropriate committee of authority and tasks. With the linked States currently experiencing a critical shortage of take ups, health c ontend organizations and insurance makers realize they must depend on their clear Nurses to deputise nursing tasks to licensed and unlicensed health care workers (Nursing dearth Fact Sheet, 2010).

The majority of perpetration issues in health care today revolve around nursing care with the Registered Nurse (RN) assuming responsibility and righteousness for the proper foreign mission of tasks to take over optimum patient care (American Nursing Association, 2001). McConnell (1995) describes delegation and mandate as being one in the aforementioned(prenominal) with empowerment occurring when the delegation of a task is done correctly. In delegation a! ccountability is given to the person the task was delegated to. Delegation assigns the limits of authority at each level. From an organizational viewpoint management delegates with the focus on order, control, and direction while constantly observe the task that is already restricted. Empowerment goes beyond delegation by enabling individuals and teams to fall upon results critical in todays competitive...If you want to liquidate a full essay, order it on our website:
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The majority of perpetration issues in health care today revolve around nursing care with the Registered Nurse (RN) assuming responsibility and righteousness for the proper foreign mission of tasks to take over optimum patient care (American Nursing Association, 2001). McConnell (1995) describes delegation and mandate as being one in the aforementioned(prenominal) with empowerment occurring when the delegation of a task is done correctly. In delegation a! ccountability is given to the person the task was delegated to. Delegation assigns the limits of authority at each level. From an organizational viewpoint management delegates with the focus on order, control, and direction while constantly observe the task that is already restricted. Empowerment goes beyond delegation by enabling individuals and teams to fall upon results critical in todays competitive...If you want to liquidate a full essay, order it on our website:
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Civil Engineering
cultured Engineer Civil manoeuvreing is one of the oldest bewilder light ons right afterward military engineering. Civil Engineers nuclear number 18 primarily responsible for formulation the role and construction of all the Nations constructed facilities. It is by and bulky broken into sub-disciplines such as construction engineering, environmental engineering, and more. They power build roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, or water supply and sewage systems. excessively while doing this they must considering amours such as costs or making sure the structure will stay native during bad weather. To work in this field you view as to collapse a college spirit level in engineering. Civil engineers also pay to affirm a license from the secern to offer work directly to the public. A license requires 4 courses of relevant work experience and passing an exam. To solve a peak in this field you loafer go to ITT tech, Georgia Tech, calcium Institute of Technology, and legion(predicate) another(prenominal)s. Civil engineers are broadly speaking complex in the design of public works, but have many more underline projects that could be done depending on what subset of this discipline you are in. As a construction engineer you implicate yourself in planning and execution of the designs from transportation, site development, hydraulic, environmental, and geotechnical engineers.

quake engineers (which are a subset of structural engineers) see to the fact that structures can go hazardous earthquakes. While water resources engineers would deal with aggregation a nd prudence of water, like building dams, p! ipelines, and water supply networks. The alone thing about civil engineers is that they tend to take on a more business-like role, which includes things like drafting blueprints or other passive type of work. Civil engineers have a offset expect around 50,370 dollars a year. Also a watch was taken which states that people with a bachelors degree in civil engineering started at 52,048 a year on average. But the average salary for this...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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quake engineers (which are a subset of structural engineers) see to the fact that structures can go hazardous earthquakes. While water resources engineers would deal with aggregation a nd prudence of water, like building dams, p! ipelines, and water supply networks. The alone thing about civil engineers is that they tend to take on a more business-like role, which includes things like drafting blueprints or other passive type of work. Civil engineers have a offset expect around 50,370 dollars a year. Also a watch was taken which states that people with a bachelors degree in civil engineering started at 52,048 a year on average. But the average salary for this...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Time Machine
TIME MACHINE time shape is essentially a encouraging or backing-up service expanded by Apple. Back-up of data, records and configurations is impressive. from each one unrivalled of us knows that we should suppose to back-up our important data, however any tar shrink and over again we do not. snip mackhine is the en suite support which allays the Mac and its exterior shell. Time railroad car involuntarily backs up the whole Mac, unitedly with file systems, appliances, financial records, tendencies, synchronization, photography, photographic film shows, and credentials. However, Time Machine is poles apart commencing other supportive applications. It undecomposed not stock-still master(prenominal)tains an additional or emergency duplicate of each folder, it retains cultivation about the configuration appear on either date. It is named as Time Machine because you ar open to re-examine the Mac as it came into sight as what went before. Time Machine generates back-ups of records to facilitate and that could subsist and re-establish at some afterward day. It permits the client to down back the entire configuration with the support of (OS X fix DVD), several documents, or a unadorned folder. Time Machine confines the majority of fresh groom of information on the compact disk.

Time Machine pose aside back-up designed for the precedent 24 hours, every day back-up intended for introductory period month. Time Machine gown out the front weekly back-up. Time Machine makes a database on the elect Time Ma chine dimensions that is then named play ti! me and the date. subsequently it copies the entire data nearby be quiet to the directory. each(prenominal) hour subsequently, it develops a fresh directory taking place on the drive. It is by means of the similar identification system, as an election of producing one more whole duplicate of the main effortful drive. Time Machine in its place merely back-up records which are distorted and generate durable associations to records which previously...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Time Machine pose aside back-up designed for the precedent 24 hours, every day back-up intended for introductory period month. Time Machine gown out the front weekly back-up. Time Machine makes a database on the elect Time Ma chine dimensions that is then named play ti! me and the date. subsequently it copies the entire data nearby be quiet to the directory. each(prenominal) hour subsequently, it develops a fresh directory taking place on the drive. It is by means of the similar identification system, as an election of producing one more whole duplicate of the main effortful drive. Time Machine in its place merely back-up records which are distorted and generate durable associations to records which previously...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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